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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১st অক্টোবর ২০২১

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea pays a courtesy visit to the PPP Authority

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2020-11-02

Lee Jang-Keun, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea paid a courtesy visit to Sultana Afroz, Secretary & CEO, Public Private Partnership Authority yesterday. Ambassador Lee highlighted his firm commitment to promote a stronger Korea-Bangladesh relationship through infrastructure development during his tenure. Also, he conveyed his sincere gratitude to the PPP Authority for a warm welcome.

In addition, Ambassador Lee expressed Korea’s support for Bangladesh in overcoming the formidable challenges caused by COVID-19.


Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the Republic of Korea and Bangladesh in 1973, the cooperation in various fields, such as politics, economy, culture, development cooperation, and the technology transfer, has been maintained. Additionally, more than 150 Korean companies are present in Bangladesh, making the Republic of Korea as one of the largest investors. Their investments in recent years have been diversified into infrastructure, energy, and consumer goods, which is leading to a lively development of bilateral cooperation between the two nations. They also discussed about the upcoming 3rd Bangladesh-Korea Joint PPP Platform meeting, which will be held on 12th November 2020.