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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১st অক্টোবর ২০২১

U.S. Ambassador to Bangladesh pays a courtesy visit to the PPP Authority

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2020-11-24

H.E. Mr. Earl R. Millar, Ambassador of the United States to Bangladesh paid a courtesy call to Ms. Sultana Afroz, Secretary to the Bangladesh government & CEO of the Public-Private Partnership Authority (PPPA) on 24 November 2020. He was accompanied by Mr. John Smith-Screen, Office Director-Economic Growth Office, USAID, American Embassy. Ms. Ferdousi Shahriar, Director-General of Americas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs also participated in the meeting.

Ms. Sultana Afroz CEO of PPP Authority, noted that Bangladesh could foresee much scope of collaboration between Bangladesh and USA. She acknowledged the outstanding contributions of the United States of America in Bangladesh’s economic and social development, climate change and combating terrorism and trafficking in persons. The US Ambassador also played a key role during the Covid pandemic in Bangladesh.

H.E. Mr. Earl Miller, U.S. Ambassador recognized the importance of public private partnership to leverage resources for undertaking mega projects. He also discussed the strong bilateral relations between the two countries.

A presentation outlining the roles, responsibilities and achievements of PPPA was given. Bangladesh has a pipeline of 79 projects of which 6 projects have started construction work. PPPA is supporting projects in various sectors, such as transportation, Food, Agriculture, Environment, tourism, health, housing and more.