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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১২ জুলাই ২০২২

What we do

PPPO Areas of Advocacy



Screen candidate projects to assure that only the most attractive, viable and sustainable opportunities are pursued.


Work together with sector line ministries and implementing agencies, augmenting their efforts with external professional resources, to pre-develop shortlisted PPP projects to a standard attractive for international competitive bidding and in a form that creates value for the people of Bangladesh.


Oversee a robust and transparent tendering, evaluation and award process to assure an expedient and efficient pathway to conclusion.


Facilitate financing for PPP projects by supporting early stage project development financing and, as needed, capital support to help achieve financial close of awarded projects. 


Oversee the commercial negotiation of PPP contracts to ensure that the balance of risk sharing between the public and private sector are in line with the overall PPP policy. 


Support sector line ministries during the implementation phase of PPP projects to assure the projects remain on schedule and perform as agreed. 


Sectors Covered under PPP Policy

The Policy and Strategy for Public-Private Partnership covers vital sectors of the economy where the PPP construct will be applied in support of national development objectives:

  • Roads and highways
  • Mass-transit
  • Railways
  • Ports
  • Airports
  • Electricity
  • Tourism
  • Irrigation and agricultural services
  • Industrial estates
  • Water supply and distribution
  • Wastewater management
  • Waste management
  • Information and communications technology
  • Land reclamation and dredging
  • Oil and gas downstream production
  • Mineral resources
  • Health
  • Education 
  • Public facilities, social infrastructure and other social services
  • Other urban, municipal and rural projects that the Government views as priority areas for development.